welcome to the OTEAM HOMEPAGE. This page is STRICTLY for OTEAM members ONLY. If you happen to come in by mistake, kindly leave.

NEW  -- This is where you can login and download scripts and addons specially made for IRCHATROOMS. SOP AOP HOP

OTEAM Rules & Guidelines
  All OTEAM members must agree to the RULES stated therein. You dont have to agree if you are not interested to be a member of the OTEAM. Read the Rules Of Conduct for chatters too.

Consent to the RULES

Please endorse your agreement to the Rules & Guidelines here. You must state your preferred main nick, away nick, valid email and other info here. Please indicate your consent in the "My message" section.

Your access to the channels will not be added until your endorsement of consent is duly done. Your endorsement here would mean that you have read, understood and are in agreement with the RULES of the OTEAM.

Log for the first OTEAM meeting

Download the PDF file containing the log for the first OTEAM meeting held on May 10, 2003 from 9 pm to 10.30 pm (Malaysia / Singapore time)

This would be a good introductory for new OTEAM members too. Do read it.

The Rules Of Conduct for IRCHATROOMS chatters & Basic Netiquette

In order for OTEAM members to be able to effectively enforce the Rules in the chatrooms, you should be familiar with the the contents of this page.

  This forum is only for OTEAM members. Please post your questions, suggestions, complaints etc. here. Replies from other OTEAM members should be posted here too.

OTEAM members
  This is the list of current Ops and Halfops in the OTEAM. Channels they are responsible for are stated here too.

Commands for OTEAM members

CHANSERV and BOT commands available to OTEAM members

SOP Rules

These are rules applicable to SOPs. The specific responsibilities of each SOP are also shown here.

NickServ Commands

Nickserv Commands to help OTEAM members manage the channels better.

ChanServ Commands

Chanserv Commands to help OTEAM members manage the channels better.

User and Channel Modes

These modes will not be commonly used by OTEAM members. This is only intended to further educate OTEAM members on the functions of the different modes that are in use in IrCQNet.

Modes are settings which control the various properties of nicks and channels. User modes control the behavior of a user's nick and Channel modes control the behavior of individual channels.

Note that not all modes are changable by the user. Some are assigned by the server or Services and represent a status rather than a setting, and some are settable but only by ircops/admins. Its also possible for a flag to be prohibited from any usage.

Server Commands

These commands will not be commonly used by OTEAM members. This is only intended to further educate OTEAM members on the functions of the different commands that are in use in IrCQNet.

Server commands are the commands that are built into, and part of, the basic ircd (the chat server program). Everything that you type into your chat client (the chat program you use to chat with) is eventually processed and translated into one or more of these commands.

IRC Security

This is a link to a great page covering various issues for the safe and responsible use of Internet Relay Chat (IRC) and other "chat rooms".

(To all OTEAM members.)
Please register immediately to the OTEAM Members MailingList if you have not done so. All future notices, announcements etc will be sent via this mailing list.
or sign-up for your own free
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