Server commands are the commands that are built into, and part of, the basic ircd (the chat server program). Everything that you type into your chat client (the chat program you use to chat with) is eventually processed and translated into one or more of these commands. Even the simple chats themselves are actually done by server commands but you wouldn't notice that because your client does the processing invisibly (in the background) where you don't see it. For example, if you were using mIRC and were in channel #cars and wanted to say "hi", you would simply type hi and hit the Return key. What you don't see is that your simple "hi" was translated by mIRC into a command structure that the chat server understands. The actual communication that was sent was privmsg #cars :hi. To see this for yourself (in mIRC), type on one line /raw privmsg #cars :hi . (The mIRC command "/raw" orders mirc to send what you type as-is without any processing...other chat programs may use "/quote" instead).
Most server commands can be sent to the server by simply typing that command preceeded by a slash. Thats because most chat clients simply use the same name for their own commands as the server does. For example, the server commands admin, license, and part are given (in mIRC) by typing /admin, /license and /part.
Note that ircds, for all that they do, are simply programs. Each brand has its own set of commands that, although very similar, are not exactly the same. So just because a command worked at DalNet does not mean it will work at IrCQNet. For example, using /silence will work at IrCQNet but not at efnet. Thats because IrCQNet uses Unreal as its ircd and efnet uses Hybrid.
If what you want to do is not within the scope of these commands, then the server can't do it and therefore neither can you.
admin displays administrative information regarding the server. Example: /admin - displays administrative information about the server you are currently logged onto. Example: /admin - displays administrative information about server . Note that the server must be linked to yoyr present server for this command to work.
away sets your online status in your /whois to "away". Example: /away Walking the dog - Sets your status to away, and sets the away message to "Walking the dog". Setting the away with no message will cancel the away. If you want to set away with no message, then use a period (/away .).
botmotd displays the network's Bot Message Of The Day. Example: /botmotd - displays the motd of the server you are currently logged onto.
botserv or bs Will send a secure message to BotServ. Example: /nickserv info sara - displays nickserv information about nick sara. Example: /cs info sara - same command as above, but abbreviated. Same as /msg nickserv .
chanserv or cs Will send a secure message to ChanServ. Example: /chanserv info #cars - displays chanserv information about channel #cars. Example: /cs info #cars - same command as above, but abbreviated. Same as /msg chanserv .
credits displays credits for Unreal ircd. Example: credits - displays credits information about the server you are currently logged onto. Example: credits - displays credits for the server irc . Note that the server must be linked to your present server for this command to work.
dalinfo shows the original DALnet ircd credits. Unreal is is derived from the ircd that DalNet uses. Example: /dalinfo - displays the dalinfo of the server you are currently logged onto. Example: /dalinfo - displays the dalinfo of the server . Note that the server must be linked to your present server for this command to work.
helpserv or hs Will send a secure message to HelpServ. Presently not implemented.
infoserv or is Will send a secure message to InfoServ. Presently not implemented.
invite sends a user an invitation to join a particular channel. Example: /invite Steve #cars - inivites Steve into #cars. You must be an op in the channel to invite someone into it.
ison used to determine if a certain nick or nicks are currently on IRC. Example: /ison steve - will return "steve" if he is online. Example: (assume steve and frank are online, but bill is not) /ison steve frank bill - will return "steve frank".
join used to enter one or more channels. Example: /join #ford,#chevy - joins your nick to channels #ford and #chevy.
kick removes users from channels. Example: /kick #cars ford Bad automobile - kicks ford out of #cars with the kick message "Bad automobile".
Example: /kick #birds,#bats batman,robin - kicks batman and robin out of both #birds and #bats. If no reason is specified, your nickname becomes the reason.

this will send a knock notice to all users in an invite-only channel. Example: /knock #cars Let me in - Gives a knock notice to all users in #cars, with the message "Let me in". The knock message is limited to 128 characters. Only channels on +i can be sent knocks.

Knock notices can be blocked by using channel mode +K or +I.
Hostmasks that are banned from a channel cannot send knocks to that channel.

license shows Unreal software license information. Example: /license - displays license information about the server you are currently logged onto.
Example: /license - displays license information about server . Note that the server must be linked to your present server for this command to work.
links lists all of the servers currently linked to the network. Example: /links - shows the links.

provides a list of channels on the network. Example: /list - shows all channels with a population of 2 or more. If a search string is specified, it will only show those channels whose name or topic matches the search string. Example: /list *cars* - would show only those channels with the string "cars" in either the channel name or in the channel topic. If a channel population is specified, then only those channels with the appropriate populations are listed.

Example: /list <40 - shows all channels with a population of less than 40. Example: /list >35 - shows all channels with a population of greater than 35.Since the plain /list command defaults to listing channels with 2 or more members, then listing ALL channels would require /list >0 .

Note that some clients, like mIRC, do their own internal processing of /list. If you use mIRC and type /list, then mIRC will filter and modify the channel list in accordance with its own options and ignore the options you type here. To send the /list command directly to the server without having mIRC interfere, use /quote list.

lusers provides local and global user information (such as current and maximum user count). Example: /lusers - shows user info for chat server
map shows a "network map" of the IRC network. Example: /map - shows a map of the present irc network. The map is hierachial in form, given from the point of view of the server you are presently logged onto. The first number displayed next to the server address is the number of users logged onto that server. The purpose of the second number is unknown.

used to change the mode of a channel or a user. Example: /mode #cars +tn - adds channel modes "t" and "n" to channel #cars. Example: /mode fred -x - disables user mode "x" for fred.

Only the ops and halfops of a channel can change that channel's modes.
The Usermode of a nick can only be changed by the user who is presently wearing that nick, or by an ircop/admin.

motd displays the network's Message Of The Day. Example: /motd - displays the motd of the server you are currently logged onto. Example: /motd - displays the motd of the server . Note that the server must be linked to your present server for this command to work.
names provides a list of nicks on the specified channel. Example: /names #cars - shows a list of the nicks in channel #cars. Users who have enabled nick mode +i will not be listed unless you are in the same channel as that user.
nick changes your nickname on the network. Example: /nick garey - changes your nickname to garey.
nickserv or cs Will send a secure message to NickServ. Example: /nickserv info sara - displays nickserv information about nick sara. Example: /cs info sara - same command as above, but abbreviated. Same as /msg nickserv .

sends a notice to the specified nick or nicks. Mainly used for one-time communication or for the results of a command. Example: /notice fred :Hi. How are you? - sends "Hi. How are you?" to fred. Example: /notice bob,bill,george :hi - sends "hi" to bob and bill and george.

Other than being only for nicks, there is almost no difference between a notice and a privmsg. However, clients are usually written to treat notices differently. In mIRC for example (assuming default settings), a privmsg to a user causes a popup query window. A notice will result in a brown-colored message line in the receiver's status window and in his/her active channel window.

operserv or os Will send a secure message to OperServ. Presently not implemented.
part causes you to leave a channel. Example: /part #cars - will depart you from channel #cars. Example: /part #ford,#chevy - will depart you from channels #ford and #chevy.
ping used by the servers to see if your client is still actively logged on. The purpose of this command being available to users is unclear since it seems to do nothing useful at the user level.

used by the servers to reply to the ping command. Although a ping is a standard method to determine communications response time, the purpose of this command being available to users is unclear since it seems to do nothing useful.

Do not confuse this command with the /CTCP ping command. The ctcp ping command is a client command that returns the response time between the client and the target (example: /ctcp ping fred might return a response of fred's lag is 5 seconds. The response of the server ping command is simply Pong.

privmsg sends a message to a nick or to a channel. Example: /privmsg #cars :hello - sends "hello" into channel #cars. This is how normal chat lines are sent into a channel. Its regular channel chat. Note that this command does not require the sender to be in any specific channel. A user can send privmsgs into a channel without actually being in the channel itself unless the channel has mode +n set. And privmsgs can be sent to a user who is not in any of the sender's channels. Example: /privmsg steve :hello - sends "hello" to steve as a query (also known as a whisper, or a private). Example: /privmsg steve,frank,pete :hello - sends "hello" to steve and frank and pete as a queries. Example: privmsg #cars :hello - says "hello" in channel #cars.
quit disconnects you from the IRC server. Example: /quit Goodbye everyone. - disconnects you from the chat server and shows the quit message "Goodbye everyone." in all the channels that your nick is in. If no reason is specified, then your nickname becomes the reason.
rules shows the contents of the rules file. The rules file is an optional text file (rules.conf) that can be used by admins to to show the rules of the server. Presently, IrCQNet has no rules file. Example: /rules - displays rules in the server you are currently logged onto. Example: /rules - displays rules for the server . Note that the server must be linked to your present server for this command to work.
setname changes the realname setting of yourself. Example: /setname superman - changes your realname setting to superman. The nomenclature name of this setting varies from client to client. In mIRC, its called "Full Name".
stats provides various statistical information about the server. Example: /stats u - shows the uptime of the server. Here are the various stats options (flags):
Lists all the current d:Lines (disallow lines for autoconnects)
Lists all the current e:Lines (Proxy scan exempt IPs)
Lists all the current f:lines (Filename masks on DCCDENY)
Lists all the current G:Lines (Banned hosts & Shuns)
Lists all the current K:Lines, Z:Lines (Banned hosts/IP) & E:Lines (K:Line exceptions)
Gives the Server command list
Lists all the current n:Lines (GECOS Deny)
Lists all the SQLINEed Nicks
Lists all Channel Restrict lines
Returns the scache and NS numbers
Returns Misc Info
Server Uptime
Lists all the current V:Lines (Version Deny)
Gives Misc Server Information
Lists all the current C/N:Lines (Servers to connect or accept connects from)
Lists all the current D:Lines (Disallow Lines-Oper & Server Orig Connects)
Lists all the current E:Lines (K:Line Exceptions)
Lists all the current F:Lines (DCCDENY Lines)
Lists all the current H:Lines (Hub Lines) & L:Lines (Leaf Lines)
Lists all the current I:Lines (Client auth Lines)
Information about current server connections
Lists the Network Configuration report
Lists all the current O:Lines (IRC Operator Lines)
Lists all the current Q:Lines (Forbidden Nicks)
Gives the Dynamic Configuration report
Lists all the current T:Lines (Specific MOTD/Rules Lines)
Lists all the current U:Lines (Usually Services)
Lists all the current VHost lines
Gives the current Server Load
Lists all the current Y:Lines (Connection classes)
Knowing the meanings of the various stats flags requires a familiarity with Unreal. See the Unreal documentation for more indepth explanations of them.
time displays server time and date. Example: /time - displays current server time and date. Example: /time - displays time and date.
topic displays or changes the channel topic. Example: /topic #cars - displays the topic of channel #cars. Example: /topic #cars :I love fords - changes the topic of #cars to "I love fords".
user used by your client during server logon.
userhost displays the username and host of a user. Example: /userhost dave - displays the username and host of nick dave.
version displays version and settings information of the ircd. Example: /version - displays the version of the server you are currently logged onto. Example: /version - displays the version of the server . Note that the server must be linked to your present server for this command to work.
vhost hides your hostmask with a virtual hostmask provided by the irc server.
Example: /vhost bill psw123 - provides the vhost after giving the proper login (bill) and and password (psw123).

displays 'who' information on matching nicks. Example: /who gary - displays 'who' information on any user whose nick, username, realname or hostmask is garey. Example: /who #jumpers - displays 'who' information on all the nicks in #jumpers. The server knows that this is a channel, because of the # in the command.

Users who have +i in their usermode will not show up in any /who, unless you are in the same same channel as them OR if you are an ircop/admin. The who search is not case sensitive. The /who commands is simply a text string searcher that looks at nicks, usernames, realnames and hostmasks. For a clearer picture of what the 'who' search will and will not do, lets use an example user:
nick = greg
username = niceguy
host =
realname = Hello all

This user could be found by using search words greg, niceguy or But this user could NOT be found by using search words laggy.bits nor guy (parts of words are not permitted) nor hello all (spaces will break the search word entry).

Ircops/admins can use wildcards with the /who command (normal users may not). Therefore, an ircop could also find this user by using nice*, *bits*, etc. The +x mode does not encrypt hostmasks from Ircops/admins, therefore, they can also search by using real OR encrypted hostmasks

whois displays 'whois'information about a user. Example: /whois ken - displays whois informatino of nick ken. /whois is a command used for a specified nick. It is not a search like the who command. /whois can only be used for nicks. It can't be used for usernames, channels, etc.
whowas retrieves previous 'whois' information for users no longer connected to the server. Example: /whowas fred - displays whois info on fred. Example: /whowas ralph 3 - displays whois info on the last 3 logoffs of ralph. (Because the whois info only lasts a few minutes, a nick would have had to logon/logoff or change nicks back and forth quickly, to be listed multiple times.) serveral times The whois info stays stored on the server for only a few minutes. In otherwords, you can't do a whowas on a nick that quit an hour ago.
An ircop/admin (from the point of view of the server) is simply a user who has access to more commands than a normal user does. In order for a user to be an ircop/admin, he/she must have an entry in the O:line section of the ircd.conf file (you could say that an ircop is nothing more than a setting. 8-) ).
The entries in the O:lines include flags that determine what those users are allowed to do. For example, ircop #1 can be allowed to use kill, while ircop #2 is not. It is these flags that also determine whether an "O:liner" is an ircop or an admin AND what type of ircop/admin they are. For further information on O:line flags, read the Unreal documentation files.
addline adds a line to the server's ircd.conf file. Example: addline - writes a c-line to the servers's ircd.conf file. The ircd.conf file is Unreal's main configuration/settings file. This command allows an ircop to add a line to it without having to be logged onto the server itself. After addline is used, the server must be rehashed using the "Rehash" command in order for the new line to take effect.
chatops sends a chatops message. Example: chatops Hello everyone - sends "Hello everyone" to all ircops that have +c in their usermode. This command is simply a way for ircops to chat to each other without having to be in the same channel. An ircop must have +c usermode to either send or receive chatops.
chghost changes the hostname of a user. Example: chghost fred - changes the hostname of fred (as seen by other users) to If his full hostmask was fred!, it will now be fred!
chgident changes the username of a user. Example:chghost fred holigan - changes the username of fred (as seen by other users) to to hooligan. If his full hostmask was fred!, it will now be fred! In some clients/scripts, "username" is also called "Ident", "Account Name", etc.
chgname changes the realname of a user. Example:chgname fred mafia - changes the username of fred to mafia. In some clients/scripts, "realname" is also called "Name", "Full Name", "IRC Name", etc.
connect links another IRC server to the one you are currently logged onto. Example: connect - links the chat server that you are currently logged onto to Since no port is specified, the default port will be used. Example: connect 6667 - links to port 6667 of The default port mentioned in the first example is the one listed in your server's M:line. Note that servers cannot link to just anything. The C:lines and N:lines must be properly configured to allow for connections.
die shuts down the Unreal program. Example: die Shutting down the program disconnects all users who are logged onto it. If this command is password protected, then the password is added after the command.
globops sends a globop message. Example: globop Hello - sends "Hello" to all ircops/admins on both your present server and on all linked servers.
kline disconnects a hostmask from all linked servers and prevents it from reconnecting to your present server. Example: kline - klines all users matching the hostmask *!*
kill disconnects a nick from all linked servers. Example: kill steve Flooding - kicks steve off of the chat network and gives the kill message "Flooding". If no reason is given, your nickname becomes the reason.
locops sends a locop message. Example: locop Hello - sends "Hello" to all ircops/admins who are logged onto your present server. This type of message does not get sent (relayed) to linked servers like a globop message does. It will only appear to ircops/admins who are logged onto the same server as you.
mkpasswd generates an encrypted password. Example: mkpasswd secretstuff - encrypts the word "secretstuff". Used by ircops/admins to make their passwords.
oper logon command for an ircop/admin. Example: oper fred tyoq73t - this is what fred would type if he wanted to give himself ircop/admin status and if his password for it was tyoq73t. Note that this command will only work for hostmasks that are listed in the O:line section of Unreal's configuration file.
rehash commands Unreal to reread its configuration file. Example: rehash. Rehashing will remove all temporary klines.
restart stops and starts Unreal. Example: restart - restarts your present server.
Example: restart jkuyt - restarts your present server with password jkuyt.
Example:restart - restarts server
Restarts need a password if an X:line is used in the Unreal configuration file.
sethost changes your host as seen by other users. Example: sethost - changes the host in your whois and who to
setident changes your username as seen by other users. Example: setident bigman - changes the username in your whois and who to bigman.
squit unlinks a linked server from the chat network. Example: squit - unlinks
unkline removes a k:line entry from the server. Example: unkline * - removes that host from the k:line list.
unzline removes a z:line entry from the server. Example: unzine - removes the z:line for .
wallops sends a server message to any user with +w usermode. Example: wallops hello - sends "hello" to all +w users. While only IRCops can send a wallops, any user can receive one.
zline prevents access to the server from an IP. Example: zline - prevents from connecting to the server.
sajoin forces a nick to join a channel. Example: sajoin fred #cars - makes fred join #cars.
samode changes a channel mode without having to be an op in that channel. Example: samode #cars +m - enables +m in channel #cars.
sapart forces a nick to part a channel. Example: sapart fred #cars - makes fred part #cars.
nachat sends an nachat message. Example: nachat Hello all - sends "Hello all" to all netadmins. Similar to chatops, but only netadmins are able to send/recieve messages.
U:lines are entries which define what addresses are allowed to log on as a server, as opposed to being logged on as a user or as an ircop/netadmin.
svsjoin forces a nick to join a channel. Example: svsjoin fred #cars - joins fred to #cars. This is the command that servers use to relay joins to each other.
svskill disconnects a nick from the network. Example: svskill allen Goodbye. - disconnects allen from the network, with the message Goodbye.
svsmode changes the mode of a channel or user. Example: svsmode #cars +m - enables +m on #cars. Example: svsmode fred +x - gives usermode +x to fred. This is the command that servers use to relay modes to each other.
svsnick changes a user's nick. Example: svsnick bill george - changes nick bill to george. This is the command that servers use to relay nick changes to each other.
svsnoop enables/disables global ircop functions on a server. Example: svsnoop aol2 + - enables global ircop functions on server aol2. Use - to disable functions.
svspart forces a nick to part a channel. Example: svspart fred #cars - parts fred from #cars. This is the command that servers use to relay parts to each other.

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